Friday, April 4, 2008

A kidney donor may have been found!

We may have found a potential kidney donor who will be meeting with Dave this Sunday. It's all happening so quickly, that we are a bit blown away. This is the third conversation and first actual meeting between them. He got Dave's info from an online matching program....and while we weren't too sure that such generous (truly altruistic) people actually existed, I guess they do!

If I may be so bold, if you are a person who believes in the power of prayer, please lift up this situation, my husband and his potential donor in prayer this weekend. Whether or not Dave is the recipient, we know that this generous, heroic man will give someone the gift of life. Amazing! We definitely pray that God leads him to the right organ recipient.

I believe that God's timing is perfect, so if this is the answer to our prayers, we will be thrilled. But if not, we know that ultimately God is in control.

Thanks so much!!

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